
is jayden smith gay

The Smith family unit has been ane of the nigh scrutinized families since the Will Smith fiasco during the Oscars. It only follows that people are looking to know more about the entire Smith family, which includes Jaden, the eldest son of Will and Jada. Of course, considering that Jaden is quite dissimilar when compared to the norms of society, people have been wondering near his sexuality. So, is Jaden Smith gay?

Jaden Smith has never publicly commented on his sexuality, only he did, at one point, admit that he was dating Tyler the Creator. However, Jaden has as well been seen dating women since that revelation. This includes names like Cara Delevingne and Kylie Jenner. He is besides rumored to have a girlfriend now.

Given the fact that we are living in a world that is more open, it can sometimes be difficult to box people into certain sexualities and gender norms. In that regard, Jaden Smith is someone who probably doesn't want to box himself into certain norms, equally seen from his somewhat androgynous manner. That said, let'due south take a wait at what we know about Jaden Smith'southward sexuality.

Is Jaden Smith Gay?

Information technology isn't a secret that the Smith family unit has been one of the most popular people in Hollywood, especially when y'all expect at the fact that Will himself is a megastar who has seen several decades of success as an overall performer. However, the family has been scrutinized heavily over the past few years, especially when you look at Jada Pinkett Smith'due south revelation of having "entanglements" and when Will Smith smacked Chris Rock during the recent University Awards.

Considering that people accept been trying to learn more most the Smith family ever since they came nether the spotlight for reasons that tin exist questionable, it only follows that people are trying to learn more about Jaden Smith as well. Jaden is the eldest son of Volition and Jada and isn't shy when it comes to the spotlight considering he has been seen in his fair share of movies, such every bit The Pursuit of Happyness and The Karate Child. He has besides had his fair share of successful songs.


That said, in that location is no incertitude that Jaden Smith is just like his male parent in the sense that he is a good all-around performer that has seen success in Hollywood and the music manufacture. Of form, a successful kid of a power couple would always exist just as scrutinized equally his parents, especially when information technology comes to his sexuality. After all, a person's sexuality is frequently one of the things that people try to explore and attack these days.

And then, what is Jaden Smith's sexuality? And is Jaden Smith gay? Jaden Smith's sexuality became a huge topic back in 2017 when he took the phase on Camp Flag Gnaw and proclaimed that he and fellow performer Tyler the Creator were dating.

"I wanna tell y'all… Tyler doesn't desire to say," Smith said. "Just Tyler's my motherf***ing beau, and he's been my motherf***ing boyfriend my whole f***ing life!"

Ever since that proclamation past Jaden Smith, his sexuality has get one of the huge topics amidst those who go along a close watch on the young star's life. And in that location'southward too the fact that, in 2020, Tyler the Creator tweeted, "My boyfriend but won a Grammy" after Jaden won a Grammy award.

Then again, naught has been prepare in stone because, other than that proclamation by Jaden, there hasn't been anything that would suggest that he is openly gay. Jaden has never publicly stated that he is gay or that he prefers dating men over women. He hasn't even said anything about dating any other man other than proclaiming that he and Tyler the Creator were dating.

In that sense, it could be possible that Jaden Smith is gay, simply information technology also is possible that he and Tyler the Creator were but messing effectually when the young star made the annunciation that they were dating. However, what is merely as possible and is more likely is the possibility that Jaden Smith is bisexual or is someone who doesn't cull who he dates based on the sexuality or gender of the person.

We live in a more open-minded globe that doesn't see things in black and white anymore, and there's a good chance that Jaden himself doesn't see things that way equally well. This allows us to wait at him as merely a person who dates whoever he wants to date because he has the right to do so.

Is Jaden Dating Someone?

Jaden Smith has never been restricted to dating only men ever since he made the revelation that Tyler the Creator was his fellow. He has actually been linked with several different celebrities over the past few years since then.

In the by, there was a rumor that Jaden Smith was dating Kylie Jenner, but that was ages ago when they were however a lot younger. Meanwhile, he has also been seen sharing intimate moments with model Cara Delevingne, who had a movie together back in 2020. The most recent rumor is that Jaden Smith is dating a model named Sab Zada every bit they take seen having dejeuner out together in Beverly Hills dorsum on Valentine's Day of 2022.

Considering that Sab Zada was the last person seen hanging with Jaden Smith, it could be possible that they are all the same together. And considering that Jaden's dating history doesn't include a lot of men other than Tyler the Creator, it could exist possible that his proclamation of them as being in a relationship was but a joke because they are close friends with i some other.

Why Do Fans recall Jaden Smith Is Gay?

As you can run across, Jaden Smith has a history of dating women, but there hasn't been anything confirmed regarding him dating men. So, if that's truthful, why exercise people recollect that Jaden Smith is actually gay?

Of course, the first reason was the announcement he made back in 2017 when he said that he was dating Tyler the Creator. That was the starting time thing that made people wonder about Jaden's sexuality. However, as mentioned, information technology could've been possible that they were merely joking around back then.


Then at that place's also how Jaden Smith kind of has an androgynous style in the sense that he doesn't tend to stick with normal gender norms when it comes to the things that he does or the way that he dresses up. People tend to box other people into sure categories based on the way they deed or await, and that's one of the reasons why fans believe that Jaden is gay.

Withal, without whatsoever confirmation from Jaden Smith himself, it is featherbrained to presume correct now that he is gay. The only person who could say whether or not he is gay is Jaden, and that's why we cannot say anything regarding his sexuality.

What Does Will Smith Call back About Jaden's Sexuality?

From what we have seen so far, neither Will nor Jada have been very easily-on when it comes to their children's personal lives when both Jaden and Willow (their daughter) were already quondam enough to handle their own celebrity status. They do help the kids out when it comes to their interim and music careers, merely they tend to stay out of things that are personal to either Jaden or Willow.

That said, there are no confirmed statements from either Volition or Jada regarding what they recall virtually Jaden Smith'south sexuality. Information technology could be possible that they are giving Jaden consummate freedom over how he feels and what he wants to exercise with his romantic or sexual life. And that's an important function of assuasive Jaden to mature on his own and to figure out who he actually is and what he wants in life.

  • Ysmael Delicana

    Ysmael "Eng" Delicana is a writer based in Davao City, Philippines. He earned his bachelor's degree in economics at Ateneo de Davao Academy before continuing to teach office-fourth dimension at the same university. While educational activity was a fun gig, being a geek and a writer seemed to be his cal...


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